Bridge construction

The fixed bridges are arch bridges, suspension bridges or cable-stayed bridges. The fixed bridges make up the majority of the bridges that are built, whether for pedestrian, road, highway, or rail traffic, and a great example is the Berkó Bridge.

© MCE GmbH

© MCE Nyíregyháza Kft.

© MCE Nyíregyháza Kft.

© MCE Nyíregyháza Kft.

Project data

Project: The project has covered the production, the corrosion prevention and the assembly of the steel structure.
Weight: 1,050 tons
Customer: NIF Zrt.
Construction period: 2018-2020
Location: M8 expressway in the vicinity of Vasszentmihály

An important link in the border traffic between Hungary and Austria is the M8 valley bridge near Szentgotthárd, which, as a new transit hub, enables fast and uninterrupted passenger and freight traffic between the area of Graz and Southwestern Hungary. The 1,050-ton structure was built by MCE Nyíregyháza Kft. between 2018 and 2020.
