Bridge construction
The fixed bridges are arch bridges, suspension bridges or cable-stayed bridges. The fixed bridges make up the majority of the bridges that are built, whether for pedestrian, road, highway, or rail traffic, and a great example is the Berkó Bridge.
Project data
Project: The project covered the production, the corrosion prevention and the pre-assembly of the steel structure.Weight: 1,450 tons
Customer: NIF Zrt.
Construction period: 2017-2018
Location: M8 expressway in the vicinity of Vasszentmihály
The M44 expressway is an important route in the south-eastern region of the country, the Berkó bridge provides a crossing over the River Kőrös on this road section. The 1,450-ton steel structure was manufactured and pre-assembled by MCE Nyíregyháza Kft. in 2017-2018.