Other steel structures
Thanks to its many years of experience and know-how in mechanical engineering, steel structures and control technology, MCE has been building wind tunnels as a main contractor for more than two decades. The focus of the climate wind tunnels is the testing of vehicles in all possible weather and climate conditions, with a high level of repeatability. Whether it is rain, snow, dry or wet weather, or sunshine, even -40 or +60 degrees Celsius, the most unusual options should be made possible.
Project data
Project: Production of the steel structure for the Daimler climate/wind tunnel.Weight: 628 tons
Customer: Daimler AG
Construction period: 2007
Location: Sindelfingen, Germany
In accordance with the customer's strict requirements for quality, a test center was constructed for Daimler AG at its premises in Sindelfingen. With the cooperation of its partners, MCE GmbH, as a general contractor, built two climate and wind tunnel units together with their connected infrastructure. MCE Nyíregyháza Kft. manufactured the steel structure of the climate and wind tunnels.