During its existence, our Company has manufactured and built steel structures for the aviation, energy, water engineering and automotive industries.

Other steel structures

For the aviation industry, MCE is designing, developing and implementing customized solutions in the field of demanding steel structures. Over the years, our Company has gained considerable experience in the production and construction of assembly lines and transport equipment.


Thanks to its many years of experience and know-how in mechanical engineering, steel structures and control technology, MCE has been building wind tunnels as a main contractor for more than two decades. The focus of the climate wind tunnels is the testing of vehicles in all possible weather and climate conditions, with a high level of repeatability. Whether it is rain, snow, dry or wet weather, or sunshine, even -40 or +60 degrees Celsius, the most unusual options should be made possible.


Our Company has been the audited supplier of gas turbine foundations and other machine foundations of a global energy company for nearly 2 decades. Our Company has produced gas turbine foundations for our Customer, for all parts of the world.


The gate structures of the dams and reservoirs required for the operation of hydropower plants are demanding steel structures, and their construction is a serious professional challenge – also due to their sizes and technological requirements. During the construction of several hydropower plants, our Company has produced demanding steel structures and sluice gates.


Daimler climate wind tunnel

Project: Production of the steel structure for the Daimler climate/wind tunnel.
Weight: 628 tons
Customer: Daimler AG
Construction period: 2007
Location: Sindelfingen, Germany

In accordance with the customer's strict requirements for quality, a test center was constructed for Daimler AG at its premises in Sindelfingen. With the cooperation of its partners, MCE GmbH, as a general contractor, built two climate and wind tunnel units together with their connected infrastructure. MCE Nyíregyháza Kft. manufactured the steel structure of the climate and wind tunnels.

Ybbs hydroelectric power plant’s sluice gate

Project: Production of a sluice gate for the hydroelectric power plant
Weight: 270 tons
Customer: Verbund Hydro Power GmbH
Construction period: 2008
Location: Austria

After replacing the old sluice gates, our Company manufactured the structure of one of the two-part sluice gates. Due to the magnitude of the mechanical stress, the proper creation of the welding seams was a task of great significance.

Prefab Airbus A350XWB

Project: Production and installation of the assembly line
Weight: 400 tons
Customer: Airbus Operations GmbH and Premium Aerotec GmbH
Construction period: 2010
Location: Hamburg and Nordenham, Germany

With the start of the production of the A350XWB at the premises in Hamburg in 2009, the Airbus introduced a lightweight structure for the fuselage of the aircraft. The new type of production required a new assembly method, for which MCE GmbH developed a new concept. The new concept enables the fully automatic positioning of the aircraft’s components using laser trackers. MCE Nyíregyháza Kft. participated in the production and the construction of the steel structure of the assembly line.